To: YKA Stakeholders, Airside Operators, Vehicle Operators, KAL Staff
From: Ethan Caljouw
Date: Friday, May 5th
Subject: Runway Renumbering and Threshold Displacement
Please be advised that Taxiways Charlie and Delta will be closed from 0630hrs to 1830hrs on Monday, May 8th, for construction works. The planned works include physical installation of new signage and painting of the runway surface to complete renumbering of runway 04/22 to 05/23 and the permanent displacement of the 23 threshold.
Runway 05/23 will remain closed at this time for aircraft operations. We will provide further information on the opening date when available.
Please ensure all vehicle operators on your team are notified of the runway renumbering, and that correct terminology (05/23) is used when operating on the airfield.
Thank you for your cooperation through this change,
Ethan Caljouw
Airport Operations Coordinator
Kamloops Airport Ltd.