Calling on All Volunteer Pilots!
I am reaching out to you on behalf of the Canadian Wings of Rescue (a nationally registered charity - formerly operating as Pilots N Paws Canada). Check out our website to learn more https://canadianwingsofrescue.ca Unfortunately, like many organizations, the past few years have been difficult and resulted in animal rescue flights being halted and almost the closure of this charity. However, we are pleased to announce that the fur is about to fly once again! As it gets time for pilots and their planes to shake off any winter cobwebs and contemplate the warmer days ahead, we are rallying pilots across Canada to go online and register their interest so we can again be ready to offer transport flights where needed. Overall, over the past 11 years we have flown over a 1000 animals, both pets and wildlife to safe homes when called upon. Thank you to all the pilots with previous years of dedicating your time and aircraft to save the animals you’ve already flown to safety. We hope to see you return and we are hoping to see many new pilots as well. WHAT YOU NEED TO DO TO FLY ANIMAL RESCUE FLIGHTS Register! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Once you register with us as a volunteer pilot, you are automatically confirmed as part of our Volunteer Pilot Program (VPP). Participating pilots receive receipts for income tax purposes for their gift-in-kind of fuel and eligible aircraft operating cost amounts. HOW TO SEE RESCUE FLIGHTS NEEDED AND OFFER YOUR SERVICES When registering you will receive access to the Canadian Wings of Rescue homepage “Members Area” tab. Here rescue flights from approved partner animal welfare organizations will be posted, signaling an animal in need of transport that awaits a volunteer pilot like you to offer help. Please never hesitate to contact us if you have a question. You can email at info@canadianwingsofrescue.ca and if you wish to contact me directly you will find my email below. Thank you on behalf of our team of volunteers and the animals whose lives you will be forever changing. Please feel free to pass this message along to others that may be interested in helping with this worthy cause. Fly safe and fly often friends, Mark Bett Director/Aviation Advisor mark@canadianwingsofrescue.ca
Canadian Wings of Rescue15 Fort York Boulevard Toronto, ON Charity # 808636088RR0001